EYE Fitness Makes Hard Abs Easy

EYE Fitness is excited to announce that they are now the exclusive supplier of the proven Abs Company line of exercise equipment.

The Abs Company line of equipment is now present in over 10,000 commercial fitness facilities worldwide with EYE Fitness dedicated to bringing yet another range of innovative, proven equipment to Australasia.

With an ever growing number of clubs joining the abs revolution every day, EYE Fitness has brought Abs Company equipment to savvy fitness club owners closer to home. The three key lines of equipment offered from the Abs Company will help gyms develop stronger core strength zones within their facilities, making it simpler for their members to get the proven results they’re looking for.

The range consists of three exciting products:

1. Ab Coaster CS3000

The Ab Coaster is a revolutionary exercise device that is taking abdominal training in a whole new direction. Unlike traditional crunches that work your abs from the top down, the Ab Coaster works your abs from the bottom up while limiting stress to your neck, back, and shoulders. As the flagship product of the Ab Coaster Commercial series, the CS3000 features stainless steel rails for an ultra-smooth ride, adjustable hand grips, and a freestyle motion seat.

2. The Abs Bench

The Abs Bench is the only commercial-quality abdominal bench that works both the upper and lower abs at the same time. Integrated weight horns on the upper and lower parts of the machine allow users to add and vary the resistance level for the forward-and reverse-crunch movements for a more challenging workout. The ergonomically-angled pads and foot pegs provide superior comfort and stabilization regardless of exerciser’s size.

3. The Ab Solo

The Ab Solo has been totally re-designed and is a fun and effective abdominal exercise machine that keeps users excited about working their core and abdominal muscles with a patented ball return design. The all-new Ab Solo features a sleek design with a smaller footprint and quieter performance than the original. The new Ab Solo also features three “touch targets” for more training variety and an innovative air-filled bumper seat for an effective core workout.

For more information, click here to contact Eye Fitness.


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